

Manuela Sedmach è un’artista triestina che ora vive in Portogallo e che ha iniziato la sua carriera negli anni Settanta realizzando numerose mostre in gallerie e spazi museali. Nel 1999 ha vinto il “Pollock-Krasner Foundation Grant”, New York. L’artista triestina nelle sue tele spesso delinea paesaggi indefiniti avvolti nella nebbia. Riesce a creare mondi e pensieri con pochi segni e pochi colori cercando una dimensione di libertà interiore al di fuori dall’omologazione, libertà che si può esprimere con pochi tratti sulla superficie di una tela.
Le sue opere si trovano in importanti collezioni private e pubbliche tra cui il Museo Smak di Ghent, Belgio.

Manuela Sedmach was born in Trieste but currently lives in Portugal.
She began her career in the seventies by organizing numerous exhibitions in galleries and museum spaces. In 1999 she won the Pollock-Krasner Foundation Grant, New York. In her canvases often outlines indefinite landscapes wrapped in fog. She manages to create worlds and thoughts with a few signs and a few colors looking for a dimension of inner freedom outside of homologation, a freedom that can be expressed with a few strokes on the surface of a canvas. Her works can be found in important private and public collections including the Smak Museum in Ghent, Belgium.

Over the years her work has explored inscrutable spaces and dilated time. The pictorial weave is built up through a slow process, starting with the dark black of the ground, then with the addition of glazes and layers of colour – aside from black, white and Sienna earth. In this way, the artist manages to obtain a very wide range of greys, reflections and light sources. It is the light that appears behind these transparencies combined with light from the setting and its mutation during the day that makes Sedmach’s ‘landscapes’ atemporal and ever-different places.